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The Timeless Policing Principles of Sir Robert Peel

Earlier this year, I began blogging about Sir Robert Peel’s 9 Principles of Policing.  My goal was to write a blog post about each principle and the applicability of that principle to policing today.  My plans were interrupted by COVID and the death of George Floyd followed by the protests calling for police reform.

These challenges combined with some personal ones have kept me from continuing with my plans for this blog series.  However, I am ready to move forward with my plans now. 

The challenges that law enforcement has faced this year has reinforced my belief that Sir Robert Peel’s 9 Principles of Policing are even more important and relevant today than when they were first penned.

Imagine sitting down and developing these principles in 1829 addressing the challenges of the day and laying out the foundation for how police officers should interact with the community they serve. 

Now, imagine fast forwarding 191 years and finding out those principles have not only stood the test of time, they have become even more important today.

Truly amazing!

Previous Posts

I have previously written blog posts about the first four principles.  Click here to read my introduction to the topic and discussion of Principle #1.   You can click here to read about Principle #2.  Click here to read about Principle #3 and click here to reach about Principle #4.

Peel Posters

As part of my previous plan, I developed two really nice posters with Sir Robert Peel’s 9 Principles of Policing on them.  One poster is retro-looking the other has a modern look.  My intention was to release these posters for purchase once I completed the entire series.  However, since the Christmas season is here, I thought I would go ahead and mention the posters for those that might be interested in purchasing one.

The posters make a great gift, coming in various sizes.  In light of all that has happened this year, I think they would make a great purchase for a department to display in their facility.

My blog post for Principle #5 will be released soon.

modern peel poster
modern peel poster

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