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Planting seeds of investment in fertile soil with dollar bills sprouting like seedlings, symbolizing personal growth and financial investment in self-development.

The Self-Made Chief: Personal Training Tactics for Law Enforcement Leaders

Recently, leadership expert Jon Gordon asked a thought-provoking question that resonates with aspiring law enforcement leaders: “If you could fly, would you?” His observation was intriguing. While many would instinctively answer, “Of course, if I had the ability, I would,” Gordon noted a paradox. He doubted the sincerity of such claims, pointing out a widespread tendency: people often neglect the gifts, talents, and abilities already at their disposal, let alone hypothetical ones like flight.

Reflecting on this, I realized why so many fail to utilize their inherent capacities. There is a widespread lack of understanding of how to harness these abilities effectively. Despite a burning desire for personal and professional growth, success, and the ambition to achieve remarkable things, there is often a gap in knowledge — the know-how is missing.

This challenge is especially relevant for individuals aspiring to leadership roles in law enforcement. We tend to rely heavily on our municipalities’ or counties’ resources, especially regarding education and training. We acquire the fundamental skills necessary to fulfill our duties as police officers or deputy sheriffs, and if we’re fortunate, we also glean some leadership and management skills. But is that enough for career advancement? Probably not.

Many law enforcement organizations are unlikely to fund our learning on topics such as resume crafting, delivering impactful job interviews, or effective communication skills.

So, how does one bridge this knowledge gap? The answer is simple: Invest in yourself.

Advancing Your Law Enforcement Career: My Personal Leadership Development Journey

I have taken the initiative to invest in my development, paying for subscriptions, services, training sessions, educational courses, and publications, all aimed at fostering my growth and propelling my career forward. This was in addition to the training my department provided. I have invested hundreds or thousands of dollars and countless hours dedicated to becoming a stronger leader.

I draw inspiration from a quote by Winston Churchill: “To each, there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

This quote resonated with me so profoundly that I captured it in two poster designs featuring the quote and an image of Winston Churchill.

Inspirational Leadership Poster for Law Enforcement Professionals #1

Inspirational Leadership Poster for Law Enforcement Professionals #2

Let these words be a guide to you as well. You can explore several avenues to enhance your abilities and prepare for new ones. Never let an opportunity slip by because you were unprepared or unqualified.

Law Enforcement Education: Expanding Your Career Horizons with Higher Education

In the realm of law enforcement, advancing your career almost certainly requires a college degree. The specific field of study may be less important than possessing the degree itself. To remain competitive, a master’s degree is increasingly becoming a necessity. While many departments offer tuition reimbursement, covering the entire cost is often insufficient. Thus, you’ll need to be ready to invest your own resources to complete your education and lay the groundwork for future success.

Crafting a Winning Law Enforcement Resume: Master the Art of Resume Preparation

Don’t expect your agency to guide you in crafting a resume. Yet, this skill is crucial if you aspire to ascend the leadership ladder or aim for the police chief’s badge. While you could pay for resume preparation services, they may lack the nuanced understanding required for law enforcement positions. By learning this skill yourself, you stand to gain a significant advantage.

Discover insider tips on resume preparation through my blog and through an exclusive email course. I offer a resume template as well. In the future, I plan to launch a comprehensive training program on crafting a compelling resume.

Navigating the Interview Process

Promotions and specialized assignments often hinge on an interview process. Performing poorly in an interview can be costly, so mastering interview preparation is essential. From presenting yourself effectively to responding to questions and following up post-interview, these skills are vital.

I provide an exclusive interview preparation coaching service for law enforcement leaders, which has helped many law enforcement leaders secure their desired positions. Here’s a testimonial that speaks volumes: “Chief Grogan’s interview preparation service was invaluable as I applied for a police chief position. The provided questions were comprehensive and thought-provoking, and his insights gave me the confidence I needed. He’s been a supportive presence even months after my interview.” Major City Chief Candidate

Further resources and blog posts on interview preparation are available on my website, and I am working on developing a full online training course on the subject.

Enhance Your Public Speaking Skills for Effective Law Enforcement Leadership

The role of law enforcement leaders and police chiefs has evolved to include a significant amount of public speaking. To avoid the discomfort of struggling through a speech, consistent practice and seeking resources can help improve your public speaking skills. Various web resources, some free, some paid, and organizations like Toastmasters, offer structured programs in many cities. Years ago, I took part in a Dale Carnegie communications training class, which proved invaluable. Even as someone who identifies as an introvert, I learned to speak confidently in public, which is a testament that these skills can indeed be learned and mastered.

Networking and Professional Development through Law Enforcement Organizations

While some departments cover the cost for their officers to join professional organizations, not all do, and not for every rank. As a result, many officers forego membership because of the personal expense involved. This is a grave mistake. Staying informed about the latest developments in law enforcement and gaining critical insights are imperative for career progression and effective community service. Do not let the cost deter you from this valuable resource.


As you advance in your law enforcement career path, acquiring diverse skills is paramount, often at your own expense. From time management and presentation skills to the full array of soft skills necessary for effective leadership, the onus is on you to learn and develop these abilities. If you truly want to reach your full potential and “fly” in a manner unparalleled by others, you must be willing to invest in your future.

Ready to elevate your law enforcement career? Share your thoughts, and let’s connect!

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