What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?
Recently, I was listening to the radio when a wonderful song by MercyMe titled, “Dear Younger Me” came on. The lyrics are beautiful. The song highlights how our lives and the choices we make would be different today if we could speak to our younger self. When I heard this song, I couldn’t help but think back to when I first started my career in law enforcement on October 15, 1981. Given the opportunity, what would I tell my younger self? #1. Put Family First The first and most important thing I would tell my younger self would be to put my family first. No question about it. No one warned me of the dangers of getting too wrapped up in the job of a police officer, while ignoring my family. I spent a lot of time and energy climbing the corporate ladder, so to speak, and neglected my family. I worked long hours, volunteered for special assignments and never said no. I was rewarded by getting the assignments I wanted and being promoted, all at the expense of my family. When I speak to new hires today, I take the time to tell them how important it is for…