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12 Step Plan to Ace Your Interview for Police Chief

12 Step Plan to Ace Your Interview for Police Chief

If a resume is designed to get you to the next part in the hiring process, a well prepared for interview can get you the job. Your interview is that important. There is little difference between preparing for a police chief interview and preparing for any other job interview.  The basic principles are the same.  Promotional opportunities within the department where the candidate is currently employed works the same. This blog post is the first in a three-part series covering this topic.  I will cover 12 critical tasks to master to have a killer interview.  I will provide an “Interview Preparation Checklist” which you can download for free at the end of this series. Imagine you open up your email one day and find an advertisement for your dream job.  The police chief position you have always wanted.  You spend a considerable amount of time preparing your resume and submit it and wait in anticipation. Follow this link to sign up for a free resume email course. Now, what do you do? Start preparing for your interview.  I know.  You don’t have one scheduled yet.  However, it is best to start your preparation early.  You never know how much advance…

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Great leaders are great followers

Great Leaders are Great Followers

The men’s group at my Church last year was having a discussion about leadership.  During our conversation, the discussion turned toward how important it is for a leader to be a good follower.  This is also known as Followership. Let’s examine this concept further. In an article titled, “Why the Best Leaders are Followers,” Michael Hyatt identified several followers in history that eventually became good leaders in their own right.  He used several examples from the Bible to make his point. Joshua followed Moses for 40 years and then led the people of Israel into the promised land. Elisha worked with Elijah for over 10 years before taking his place. The Apostle Peter followed Jesus and after his crucifixion, Peter became a leader of the new Christian faith. Aristotle was a follower of Plato and eventually became a great philosopher in his own right.  He understood the value of being a good follower. Warren Buffett worked under the tutelage of Economist Benjamin Graham for over 10 years before starting his own investment company and rising to the top of the industry. These are only a few examples. There are three key truths about being a follower that helps followers find…

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start want police chief

Where Do You Start if You Want to be a Police Chief?

Instead of Where Maybe it Should be When Maybe the question shouldn’t be where do you start.  Instead, it should probably be when do you start? I’m not sure about most police officers, but when I first got into law enforcement I had no clue about what I wanted to do.  I was just happy to have a job and spent quite a few years just figuring out my place in the department. After I had been with the Marietta Police Department for a few years, I thought about what I needed to do to get promoted to Sergeant.  It took 10 years for me to achieve that goal and then another four years to make Lieutenant. I first thought of my career goal after making lieutenant.  So basically, I spent the first 15 years of my career with no thought of being a police chief. So, let’s get back to the original question.  Where do you start? Right where you are. Let’s get to my alternate question now.  When do you start? Right now! If you are a police officer, sergeant or lieutenant you obviously have more time to prepare for that future police chief job opportunity than someone…

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