Leadership Lessons From Thomas Jefferson
A lot has been written about our Founding Fathers over the years. Obviously, Thomas Jefferson was one of them. He eventually became the 3rd President of the United States. He is well known for drafting the Declaration of Independence. President Jefferson was selected for this task because he had clear handwriting and he had a special way with words. Over time, Thomas Jefferson developed a list of axioms for personal behavior that he would share with his family and friends. This advice developed into Thomas Jefferson’s 10 Rules of Life and was published in The Western Farmer as early as 1839. On a trip to Washington, D.C. in early 2018, my wife and I visited the Jefferson Memorial. There, I stumbled across a small postcard with Jefferson’s Ten Rules imprinted on it. I couldn’t believe that I had never heard about Jefferson’s list before. I quickly purchased the postcard and sat down and reviewed it. The simplicity and universal applicability drew me Jefferson’s 10 Rules of Life. These axioms are as relevant today as when they were written. If followed, I am confident this list will help you be a better leader and a better person. Let’s take a quick…