The Hiring Process for Police Chief: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t
Few people would disagree with the statement that policing has changed dramatically over the last five years. There has been a considerable change in how we police, both good and bad, and in citizens’ expectations, both good and bad. There has also been a significant shift in the expectations of police chiefs and in the hiring process. But, despite these changes and challenges, if you are still interested in pursuing your dream of leading a team of men and women dedicated to serving their community, then I have one thing to say to you. Read on! Let’s discuss a few items of interest before I get into the meat of it. Recruitment and Retention Challenge Across the nation, law enforcement agencies are struggling to recruit and retain quality staff. Eligible officers are retiring. Others are exiting law enforcement stage left for a safer and less stressful career in the private sector. Recruitment numbers are down, and their qualifications are lacking. The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) convened a one-day seminar titled “Best Practices & Innovations in Police Recruitment and Retention.” Over 200 police leaders from the country came together to discuss this critical topic. Although this conference focused on entry-level…