3 Major Advantages of Being Willing to Relocate For a Police Chief Job
One of the first decisions you have to make as a candidate for police chief is whether you are willing to relocate for the job. Are you ready to move across the state or even across the country for your new job? Are you willing to uproot your family for a new opportunity? The answer for many is yes and for others is no. I live within 20 miles of where I was born and where I have lived all of my life. I never really considered relocating for a job. The Dunwoody Police Chief Job was attractive because it provided an opportunity to start a department from scratch and I would not have to relocate for the job. Of course, I do have some brutal commutes some days. A few years ago I was reading through a police chief job advertisement for Lynchburg, Virginia. The opportunity was very attractive. I’m not sure if it was the advertisement that did it for me or the beauty and location of the city. Regardless, I wistfully contemplated applying for the position. In the end, I was not willing to move, so I did not apply. Even though I wasn’t willing to relocate,…