How Top Cop Leadership Began
I love serving others. In fact, I became a police officer so I could help people. Throughout my career, I have helped those citizens I serve and also helped those police officers I work with.
As an aspiring Chief many years ago, I struggled to find resources that could help me achieve my dream of leading my own department. Since that time, I have often dreamed of creating a resource that other law enforcement leaders could use to help them achieve their career goals.
I have finally been able to provide this resource with Top Cop Leadership!
Since becoming a police chief, I have had the opportunity to speak to many aspiring police chiefs and provide them a lot of the information I will be sharing with you at Top Cop Leadership.
Preparing for and serving as a police chief is one of the most challenging jobs imaginable.
My hope is that Top Cop Leadership becomes a go-to resource for aspiring police chiefs and current police chiefs alike.
Top Cop Leadership was created to help aspiring law enforcement leaders be better prepared for their next promotion and ultimately to become a Chief. TCL is also a resource for current chiefs interested in achieving more and being better prepared for their next job opportunity.
Who is Billy Grogan?
I am a 36 year law enforcement leader who has served the last nine years as a Chief of Police for a Metro Atlanta police department.
During my career, I have experienced both success and failure while seeking internal promotions as well as applying for police chief opportunities. I have learned a great deal from both experiences.
I currently serve on the Human and Civil Rights Committee of the IACP and I am the Immediate Past President of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police.
I have lectured locally, nationally and internationally on the value of law enforcement’s use of social media and about the important role leadership plays in delivering effective police services.
I love to read, hike and play golf in my spare time.
I also love spending time with my grandson, Owen.